Photo by Eugene Zhyvchik on Unsplash
We prepare for basketball games and marathons, tests and job interview, birthdays and Thanksgiving dinner, Santa and Christmas.
Preparing for sports events takes grit, perseverance and even pain. Preparing for birthdays and Thanksgiving dinner remind us to be grateful for every gift God has given us, to truly treasure our family and friends, and to think of those in need. Preparing for tests and job interviews takes instruction, hard work, diligence and prayer!
Likewise, preparing for Santa and Christmas takes time and money to decorate and give presents to so many people. However, in doing so, are we truly preparing for Christ’s coming? This does not mean that we should be “bah-humbug;” we can still decorate and give gifts. It simply means we need to be present rather than simply give and receive presents.
Be present to God’s coming in our lives, not simply his birth almost 2,000 years ago. Take time to be still amidst the busyness and prepare to receive Christ this Christmas in a way you have never received him before.
How can Advent and Christmas be different this year? Shift your thoughts for a moment from the decorating and gift buying to prayer, silence, reflection and Scripture. Be present to his coming through your interactions with friends, family and even strangers. Be present to the true meaning of the season: the coming of Christ in history 2,000 years ago, in mystery on a daily basis, and in majesty at the end of time.
How can we do this as a couple of family this Advent season?
- Make a faith-based Advent calendar (in lieu of a chocolate one)
- Get or make an Advent wreath.
- Pray together every Sunday before lighting the Advent candles.
- Read Scripture together.
- Check out the Laudate app or other Catholic apps.
- Volunteer every weekend in December.
- Rather than buy a plethora of gifts for someone, buy one meaningful gift for each person and use the extra money to buy a gift for someone on your parish’s Angel tree or donate the unused money to Catholic Charities, which provides presents to kids who are homeless.
- When you have no idea what to give someone, donate to one of their favorite charities in their name.
- Get together with friends and go Christmas caroling in your neighborhood or in Waikiki!
- Before buying presents, give every family member a large box and ask that they fill it with donations from their rooms.
- Print a copy of the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy and do these prior to Christmas.
- Go to Confession.
- Go to Christmas Mass before opening any gifts.
- Recycle packaging and gift wrap.
- Repurpose gifts that are not needed/wanted by donating them.
- Play Christian Christmas songs more than secular ones.
- Wish anyone you meet a “Merry Christmas” rather than “Happy Holidays.”
Amidst the busyness of the season, remember that it is better to give than to receive and that this Advent is a preparation for our personal encounter with Christ each day, at the end of our lives, and at the end of time. We know that when we die, God will not be asking us about our Christmas decorations or even how many gifts we bought or received. He will say, “Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me.’” (Matthew 25:40)
Enjoy being present to God, family and others this Advent season, and we look forward to chatting with you again next year!
David and Sarah Herrmann are coordinators of Marriage and Family Ministry for the Diocese of Honolulu and faith-based Love & Logic parenting coaches. Email them with questions, comments or prayer requests at success@embracefamilylearning.com.