A photo of all who attended the seminarian-sponsored luau at St. Patrick Seminary, Menlo Park, California, Oct. 20. (Photo courtesy of Ace Tui)
Seminarians from the Diocese of Honolulu, the Diocese of Suwon, South Korea and the Archdiocese of Agana, Guam, hosted a Hawaiian luau Oct. 20 for two longtime benefactors of St. Patrick’s Seminary in Menlo Park, California, and 20 of their friends.
Sean and Peggy O’Malley, strong supporters of vocations to the priesthood, won the feast in a silent auction at last year’s seminary fundraising gala. The seminarians are all students at St. Patrick’s.
The dinner started with a social at which was served Spam musubi, lumpia, edamame and poke, with beer and wine. Deacon Dario Rinaldi offered a prayer in English and Hawaiian, and chanted a Hawaiian oli as the guests made their way to the dining room for dinner.

Sean and Peggy O’Malley (Photo courtesy of Ace Tui)
Each guest was greeted with a lei donated by the family of Honolulu seminarian Ace Tui. Guests enjoyed a delicious dinner of kalua pork, chicken long rice, barbeque chicken, rice, green salad and Hawaiian sweet rolls. Tropical fruits and haupia were served for desert.
Tui was the head chef and menu planner with other seminarians assisting him at the kitchen. Seminarians Kurt Meyer, Larry Denis and Preston Castro led Hawaiian and pidgin English language games.
At the end of the dinner, each guest received a kukui nut lei and a box of chocolate-covered macadamia nuts donated by two newly ordained Hawaii priests and St. Patrick graduates, Father Vincent Vu and Father Romple Emwalu.
The O’Malleys were amazed at the extravagant production and extended their gratitude and appreciation to the seminarians who produced the feast. They assured them all of their support and prayers.
Besides those already mentioned, the other Hawaii St. Patrick seminarians are Kevin Clark, Arrion Rosales-Llantos, and Hai (Francis) Pham.
For more information on St. Patrick’s Seminary & University, go to its website at https://www.stpsu.edu.