Bishop Larry Silva has designated Dec. 9 this year as a holy day of obligation.
That is the day assigned for the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, which normally falls on Dec. 8.
However, Dec. 8 this year is the Second Sunday of Advent, which takes precedence.
Catholics in the Diocese of Honolulu are required to attend Mass on Dec. 9.
Ordinarily, the feasts falling back-to-back would mean the Immaculate Conception would not be a day of obligation.
However, the bishop said in the Official Notices (see page 2) “since the Diocese of Honolulu only celebrates two holy days of obligation throughout the year (Immaculate Conception and Christmas), the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception WILL be celebrated on Monday, December 9, 2019, as a HOLY DAY OF OBLIGATION in the Diocese of Honolulu.”
The bishop asks pastors “to schedule Masses so that all may observe this holy day of obligation and to publicize that it is a holy day of obligation well in advance of Dec. 9.