At faith formation one Sunday, a child listened to Bible stories. When asked what his favorite was he said, “The one about the guy that loafs and fishes.” Hope you were able to get a little loafing in this summer too.
1) Scripture
Speaking of the Bible and parables, Sunday, Sept. 15’s Gospel reading is from Luke 15. Besides stories of a shepherd looking for a lost sheep and the Prodigal Son story, it also talks about a woman who loses what that she searches for?
- a) a lamp
- b) a child
- c) a coin
- d) a needle
2) Catholic Hawaii
Can you guess which island the parish of Our Lady of Lourdes is on? Hint: The town this parish is in means “rolling bay” in Hawaiian.
- a) Kauai
- b) Oahu
- c) Big Island
- d) Lanai
3) Catholic Hawaii
Which Hawaiian monarch gave the land to build the first Catholic Church in Hawaii?
- a) Kamehameha III
- b) Kamehameha IV
- c) Queen Liliuokalani
- d) King Kalakaua
4) U.S. Catholicism
Which American bishop was well ahead of his time in promoting Mass said in the local language when it had only been said in Latin for many years?
- a) Archbishop John Hughes
- b) Archbishop John Carroll
- c) Cardinal Francis Spellman
- d) Cardinal James Gibbons
5) A to Z Catholic Dictionary
If you had a pyx at Mass what would you do with it?
- a) Use it to wipe the cup at communion if you are a Eucharistic minister
- b) Follow along with the Mass readings in it
- c) Take one filled with hosts after Mass to give Communion to the homebound
- d) Light it to incense the church
6) Catholic Hawaii
What is distinct about the name of the Marine Corps Base Hawaii’s chapel? (If you read the story in this issue, you’ll know the answer to this question.)
- a) It is not displayed on the chapel exterior.
- b) It’s named after two people.
- c) It doesn’t have one.
- d) It is the only U.S. military chapel named after a bishop.
7) Saints
Which saint (feast day: Sept. 19) is known today for a regularly occurring miraculous event where his collected blood liquefies?
- a) St. Panatleone
- b) St. Januarius
- c) St. Lorenzo
- d) St. Peter Claver
Answers: 1) c, 2) c, 3) a, 4) b, 5) c, 6) d, 7) b