The Marianist Center of Hawaii, in co-operation with Chaminade University and Saint Louis School, is bringing to the campus three special autumn presentations to nurture the spiritual growth of Hawaii’s diverse people.
The first is a morning of recollection with noted Los Angeles Congress speaker Richard Gaillardetz, chairman of the theology department of Boston College. His presentation, “I Call You Friends, Toward a New Theology of Marriage and the Single Life,” is 8:30 a.m.-noon, Saturday, Oct. 12, in the Mystical Rose Oratory on the Chaminade University/Saint Louis School Campus in Kaimuki.
Too often “vocation” is only associated with religious and priestly life. But one’s calling as a married or single person also demands renewed and ongoing attention if it is to stay fresh and life-giving.

Richard Gaillardetz
As a married man with four sons, Gaillardetz understands what is needed to live out one’s married commitments. In like manner, the single vocation carries its own challenges if it is to be lived with faithfulness and fulfillment. Gaillardetz will explore these vocations in a retreat-like atmosphere. He has a special talent for making difficult tenets of theology understandable and accessible.
Light refreshments and coffee will be available. Free will offerings will be accepted. No registration is required.
Gaillardetz will also present the Father Robert Mackey Marianist Lecture, 4-5:30 p.m., Sunday, Oct. 13, in the Mystical Rose Oratory. His topic is “Pope Francis and the Renewal of the Catholic Church.” In his engaging style, he will update his audience on where Pope Francis stands in leading his church down a path to new life. The presentation will include some time for questions. This event is also free with no registration required.

David Haas
The “Fall Into Faith” programs continue at 4 p.m., Sunday, Nov. 3, in the Mystical Rose Oratory with noted composer and spiritual author David Haas presenting “I Will Bring You Home: Songs of Prayer, Stories of Faith Concert.” Haas will perform favorite hymns plus a number of new compositions in his usual reflective style.
The presentation includes the composer’s sharing of his inspiration for these pieces. People who attend a David Haas concert compare it to a prayer experience rather than a performance. Like the other two events, this is free and requires no registration.
For more information about these events and these presenters, go to or contact Marianist Brother Dennis Schmitz, 232-6691 or