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By Sherry Hayes-Peirce
This summer make time for a good spiritual read
It’s summer. Time for some R & R — reading and relaxation for the mind, body and spirit. To help you dive into some spiritual reading here are 15 selections for you to consider.
Catholic Influencers
The first three books are by renowned Catholic influencers who will help quiet your mind and soothe the soul.
“The Power of Silence: Against the Dictatorship of Noise” Cardinal Robert Sarah explores the need for each of us to listen to the will of God in our lives in moments of silence.
“Christ in Our Midst: Wisdom from Caryll Houselander” This is a compilation of writings of a beloved 20th century lay Catholic mystic, author and poet. The chapters are short and focus on soul-stirring questions like “Who Am I,” “Choice,” “Responsibility,” “God in Us,” “God’s Purpose” and others to reflect on during the languishing days of a summer vacation.
“The Time Is Now: A Call to Uncommon Courage” by Sister Joan Chittister, explores themes of contemplative prayer and the diversity of roles of service in our church.
Lay Authors
The next three books are by authors who may be more relatable from a lay person’s perspective.
“You Are Enough: What Women of the Bible Teach You About Your Mission and Worth” by Danielle Bean. The author, married more than 20 years with eight kids, is currently the brand manager at catholicmom.com, host of the podcast “Momcast” and of CatholicTV’s “The Gist” talk show. Drawing from her experiences and the timeless tales of women from the Bible, she helps us embrace our uniqueness and the fact that Jesus loves us just as we are.
“Be Brave in the Scared: How I learned to Trust God during the Most Difficult Days of My Life” by Mary E. Lenaburg, shares the author‘s personal journey of faith when her plans for raising a healthy baby girl shattered on the day she was baptized. She chronicles the impact of raising a special needs child on a marriage, family and faith. It’s a powerful testament for trusting God’s plan when it conflicts with your own.
“The 5 Habits of Prayerful People” by Michael St. Pierre. This is an easy read with tips that are easy to incorporate into our busy lives. St. Pierre writes from the perspective of a guy who’s been married 20 years, with four kids, who is juggling roles as an adjunct professor at Seton Hall University with philanthropy. His writings are a modern manual for leadership while becoming more prayerful.
Sts. Damien and Marianne
Last summer, in preparation to speak about Hawaii’s two saints, St. Damien of Molokai and St. Marianne at the Damien and Marianne Conference in Honolulu, I read their biographies. I learned how their lives modeled the church’s commitment to social justice and how they can inspire people today. The lives of the saints are always great reads. Sharing the stories of the saints with your children is also a great way to introduce them to the practice of befriending them. So here are my suggestions.
“Holy Man: Father Damien of Molokai” by Gavan Daws
“Pilgrimage and Exile: Mother Marianne of Molokai” by Sister Mary Laurence Hanley, OSF and O.A.
“Saints Alive: The Faith Proclaimed” by Sister Marie Paul Curley, FSP and Sr. Mary Lea Hill, FSP
“How to Be A Hero: Train with the Saints” by Julia Harrell
“Sitting Like a Saint” by Dr. Gregory and Barbra Bottaro
“I am God’s Storyteller” by Lisa Hendey
Amazon Charts
Last, I want to share a couple of books topping the Catholicism bestsellers’ list on Amazon. At No. 4 “Letter to a Suffering Church: A Bishop Speaks on the Sexual Abuse Crisis,” by Bishop Robert Barron. At No. 6 is “101 Places to Pray Before You Die,” by Thomas J. Craughwell.
Happy summer and reading!
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