Ernest Mendoza, left, winner of the Hawaii Catholic Schools first Golden Pineapple award, with Michael Rockers, superintendent of Hawaii Catholic Schools, and Dale Fryxell of Chaminade University, May 22. (HCH photo | Anna Weaver)
The Hawaii Catholic Schools office along with Chaminade University of Honolulu has started a new annual “Teacher of the Year” award called “The Golden Pineapple.”
The inaugural award, a localized twist on the traditional apple symbol for teachers, went to Ernest Mendoza, a longtime teacher at St. Anthony School on Maui. He received the award at the May 22 Hawaii Catholic Schools Recognition Luncheon at the Koolau Ballrooms in Kaneohe.
The teacher of the year award is sponsored by John C. and Mary Lou Brogan and Chaminade. It comes with a $1,000 prize and a shiny gold pineapple trophy.
Mendoza, St. Anthony’s campus minister and high school religion teacher, has worked at the Wailuku school for 27 years.
“Always so cheerful and unflappable, Ernie is always willing to do whatever is asked of him by administration and students alike,” said Betsey Gunderson, retiring HCS assistant superintendent and the former head of St. Anthony. Besides his teaching and campus ministry duties, Mendoza helps build and decorate for school events and has coached bowling and moderated various student clubs.
Also at the recognition lunch, Helen Turner, vice president for strategy and innovation at Chaminade, gave a talk on innovation in Catholic schools at the May 22 lunch, before announcing a new HCS-Chaminade awards program starting in 2020.
The Ka Ho’oulu Innovation Awards will include one annual recognition for “innovation that has advanced Catholic education in Hawaii” and up to two annual “Incubating Innovation” grants to fund ground-breaking school projects.
Read more about Ernest Mendoza’s winning ways directly from the students, faculty and staff below.

Bishop Larry Silva, Ernest Mendoza, Dale Fryxell of Chaminade University and Msgr. Gary Secor (HCH Photo: Anna Weaver)
Words of praise
Here are some of the positive comments the Hawaii Catholic Schools and Chaminade University received from the St. Anthony Wailuku school community about Ernest Mendoza
Teaching experiences that Mr. Mendoza has had that has made a difference in the life of students
“I had failed a kite project for geometry and I had until the next day for a second chance. Mr. Mendoza helped me not just rebuild it, but he also taught me the fundamentals of other building projects. I ended up with an A+ on my kite project.”
“When he teaches his classes, he makes it very hands-on and builds a comfortable relationship with the students, making the experience in his class a good one.”
“Mr. Mendoza helps in every club here at St. Anthony, he helps every student, and he always is at school doing work.”
“His religion class inspired me to pursue a life in Christ. Now, I attend Mass almost every morning.”
“He is always happy to help the school when it is in need, he does projects and builds things for the school. He also helps students if they need help with a certain subject.”
“Mr. Mendoza makes learning fun and competitive. I am a student who is not great at paying attention in class or doing work, but I am VERY competitive. I love how Mr. Mendoza’s humor … I go to him for advice and he is the only one who really listens to me. He’s always letting me borrow art supplies because he is a massive art supply hoarder, but it makes sense since he is great at diy.”
“During spring break, he took time out of his schedule to help kids who needed ministry service. Giving this opportunity shows that he is dedicated to his students and that he willing to put everything aside to be there.”
“Mr. Mendoza has helped countless students find their faith in God, whether it be from talks and prayer with students, but also through sponsorship in confirmation. Not only this, Mr. Mendoza also helps many of the students with personal projects, such as helping them plan and construct things, or even giving them guidance for Eagle Scout Projects.”
“Mr. Mendoza is always the first person that any student at Saint Anthony goes too.”
“Mr. Mendoza is the epitome of a Catholic school teacher. He is always willing to help any student in any subject. Mr. Mendoza stays late after school everyday tutoring, and you can usually find him at the school on weekends doing some sort of school project.”
“Each day Ernie lives faith through his words and actions. Every year he consistently gives all of his effort, talents and time to serve the students that walk through our doors. Throughout his career, Ernie consistently puts God first and expects his students to do the same. So on a daily, annual and career-long basis, Ernie makes a difference in the lives of the students, staff and families that have been blessed to know him. He guides people through the discernment of faith process, challenges everyone to be the best person they can be and encourages them to go on and live a life of service to others after graduation – to in turn – make a difference in the lives of others they meet along the way.”
Mr. Mendoza’s leadership accomplishments
“He’s been at St. Anthony for over 25 years and is never absent from school.”
“Mr. Mendoza helps in our school LIFE program, in National Honor Society, and with our school Prom and banquet. He helps with song contests, Mass, prayer services, and much more. When anyone needs anything, the first person they ask is Mr. Mendoza. He never leaves school early, and he is never absent. He helps the students with whatever they ask him.”
“He likes to take on challenging projects that no one would really want to take on and really pushes the school and other teachers to push us students in the right direction.”
“Instead of telling people what to do, he helps them along their side.”
“Mr. Mendoza shows the students that he loves them with his caring attitude. He takes the lead with facilitating mass and prayer services once a month. Our school would not be the same without him. He has been at the school for over 25 years. If anyone has a question that relates to the way things have been done over the years, we all go to Mr. Mendoza.”
“In addition to teaching, Mr. Mendoza is actively involved in church activities, if not at St. Anthony, at St. Joseph which is his home parish. He is active in Sunday school, not only teaching St. Anthony students, but also children from the community that are not member of the St. Anthony parish. He encourages students to do community service after school hours, on the weekends, and during school breaks. He is often seen on campus and at the church fixing things, or tending to the school garden.”
“Ernie has been a part of numerous leadership teams over the years and they range from Prom to Accreditation to Faith Formation to the ‘whatever we need to do next’ committees. Often, he is a chair of a subcommittee or the leader of the group. As a Marianist-sponsored school we develop, implement, review and redesign a Marianist Integration plan and he is the overall chair of the team in charge of this important and vital work. He will step up on a daily basis to assist staff needing help and facilitates planning teams for both ongoing and new initiatives. He would be described as the ‘go-to guy’ as he has the experience, wisdom and energy needed to follow through. He is highly respected.”
Mr. Mendoza’s accomplishments as they relate to service to the school and community
“Mr. Mendoza has volunteered to help A LOT of school functions. He helps moderate the L.I.F.E team, N.H.S team, and Music Ministry. He never misses a L.I.F.E or N.H.S meeting. He is always at school working. He comes to school first and leaves school last. The bus brought the volleyball team back from HANA and when we went to the lockers we saw Mr. Mendoza in his room working on props for Homecoming week. IT WAS 11 AT NIGHT! There were many times when I came to school late at night from games and saw Mr. Mendoza working on props for prom or songs for mass.”
“Mr. Mendoza gives way above and beyond the responsibilities of a teacher. He would lead students in visiting Hale Makua, a non-profit nursing home/facility for frail elderly and other adults that are ill and sing Christmas Carols for them, he would volunteer his time to wrap gifts at the mall to help raise funds for tuition assistance for students who need financial support, he would work the whole day at the county fair for St. Anthony’s fundraiser.”
Mr. Mendoza’s accomplishments as they relate to spiritual development
“He has dedicated many years of his life, 27, to this school to teach the students about the Catholic religion, and to show them how to live a life in the eyes of God, and to help us lived a good, happy, holy life.”
“Mr. Mendoza is a very caring Catholic, he helps students with their spiritual growth, and helps us understand the Catholic religion”
“Volunteers at … church events, has become a brother, and helps with mass events such as confession.”
“He teaches all of his students about God and enriches their knowledge about the Gospel.”
“He is, of course, a religion teacher. He has opened his mind to Christ and, in turn, Christ has provided him with opportunities to help open the minds of students to Christ. As stated above, he is in charge of all Masses and prayer services.”
“His accomplishments are guiding this school to another level of religion and getting all the kids with hands-on experience.”
“Mr. Mendoza told us many times that before he began teaching he was preparing to become a brother. But he did not become a brother. He became a teacher at S.A.S. He was once a bowling coach and he’s played many sports. Mr. Mendoza is in charge of religion in S.A.S. He is in charge of preparing the students for sacraments and teaching the students the importance of Mass. He taught us the pyramid of the Catholic Church. He didn’t ask me to but I learned every story in the New Testament in chronological order just so that I can answer every question he gives me. I believe that I am a better person and student because of him. He is a big part of spiritual growth at St. Anthony”
“Mr. Mendoza always comes to school early and never leaves until super late. He makes sure that everything is just how it should be and he has really shown so much dedication to our school. A majority of things that happen at our school would not have happened without the guidance and support of Mr. Mendoza. He has organized a majority of our high school masses, has been our choir by singing and playing his guitar. His spiritual self is shown through his guitar, I have never seen Mr. Mendoza as happy as he is when is with his guitar”
“Mr. Mendoza is the campus minister and is always willing to lend an ear to a troubled student or a colleague. The kids love him and trust him as he very kind and loving. He is also in charge of the Marianist programs and retreats. He is truly a servant leader. He leads every school meeting with prayer.”
“One of the positive things that I hear about him is how he inculcates in his students the importance of prayer and reflection about the teachings of Jesus, and to practice respect of self, others, and the community.”
“Ernie is our Campus minister and one of our Religion teachers. He is the lead on designing and facilitating grade level and campus-wide retreats for students along with the beginning of the year and ongoing retreats for faculty and staff. Beyond the job description itself, he is passionate in building purpose-driven opportunities for everyone to participate in for their own growth in relationship with God. His musical talents and ability to bring those out from within other staff and students through mass and prayer services is truly a gift and one he shares with enthusiasm. He is on a journey of faith and inspires others to walk that road too – every day and in every way. He is an excellent choice for this wonderful reflection of God’s love in our Catholic schools.”
-Courtesy Chaminade University of Honolulu