Readers, Our next issue comes out on Good Friday so we are stocking you up on more Lent questions now!
1) Lent
True or False: Good Friday is a Holy Day of Obligation.
- a) True
- b) False
2) Lent
On what day during Lent is celebrating Mass prohibited?
- a) Spy Wednesday
- b) Holy Thursday
- c) Good Friday
- d) Holy Saturday
3) More Lent
Tenebrae services are held during the last three days of Holy Week in the early morning hours and include hymns, psalms, readings and the extinguishing of candles, all to symbolize mourning and grief for Jesus. What does tenebrae mean in Latin?
- a) earthquake
- b) darkness
- c) tears
- d) spirit
4) Scripture
In what has become known as Palm Sunday, as Jesus nears Bethany and Bethphage, he rides a donkey as his followers cheer him and wave palms. What is the famous mountain near which this took place? Hint: The Garden of Gethsemane is located there.
- a) Mount Sinai
- b) Mount Horeb
- c) Mount Tabor
- d) Mount of Olives
5) Chrism Mass
Three sacramental holy oils are blessed at the Chrism Mass each year. The sacred Chrism, the Oil of Catechumens, and the Oil of the Sick. What substance is added to sacred Chrism that makes it distinctive from the other two oils?
- a) fragrance
- b) water
- c) vinegar
- d) wax
6) Catholic Hawaii
At this time every year, Bishop Larry Silva goes to each Catholic high school in Hawaii to speak with the senior class. The events are organized by the Office for Youth and Young Adult Ministry. What are these visits called?
- a) Vocations Visit
- b) Catholic Schools Week Senior Day
- c) Bagels with Bishop
- d) Last Chance Mass
7) Catholic Hawaii
What is significant about the address 1184 Bishop Street, Honolulu?
- a) It is where the Cathedral Basilica of Our Lady of Peace is located.
- b) It is where the Diocese of Honolulu’s “chancery” offices are located.
- c) It is where the first priest to come to Hawaii lived on his arrival.
- d) Both a and b
Answers: 1) b, 2) c, 3) b, 4) d, 5) a, 6) c, 7) d