Last year March for Life poster. (HCH file photo)
Oahu’s March for Life, the annual demonstration against the U.S. Supreme Court’s 1973 Roe v. Wade ruling that legalized abortion nation-wide, will again take place this year at the Hawaii State Capitol, 2-8 p.m., Jan. 22. Bishop Larry Silva will offer the opening prayer and give a talk.
Helen Latorre, secretary/treasurer of Aloha Life Advocates which organizes the event, said that she and Shanita Akana, the organization’s vice president, have had some challenges with the unexpected death Oct. 25 of Deacon Kin Borja.
Deacon Borja was the president of Aloha Life Advocates, formerly Hawaii Right to Life, the organization that has planned the annual March for Life in Hawaii for many years.
Part of the March for Life program will include a song tribute to Deacon Borja and a recognition of his family.
Akana will be the emcee for this year’s march. The planned schedule includes:
2 p.m. Sign holding. Visits with elected officials.
3:30 p.m. Opening songs, prayers and remarks, including an invocation by Bishop Silva.
Speeches by Bishop Silva, Chaldean Catholic Bishop John Frederick, Kawalilani Soma, Diane Romley, State Rep. Bob McDermott and Utufa’asili Jacinta McDermott, former State Rep. Andria Tupola, State Sen. Kurt Fevella.
5:30 p.m. March begins.
6 p.m. Circle of Life, songs, praise and worship and testimonies at the state Capitol rotunda.
8 p.m. Closing prayer.
March for Life events are held across the country each year around Jan. 22, the anniversary of the Roe v. Wade decision.
Prolife essay contest
This year the Knights of Columbus is sponsoring an essay contest tied to the March for Life. The theme is “The family that prays together, stays together.”
The contest is open to all elementary through high school students. For more details call Knight of Columbus Gary Jose at 721-0016 or email DM@kofchawaii.org.