Youth ministry members Morgan Bartlett, left, and Haylee Lundberg pose by food for the children’s food pantry. (Photo courtesy of the Kula Catholic Community)
The Kula Catholic Community has started a new community outreach project with the creation of a children’s food pantry at Holy Ghost Mission. On Oct. 7 and 8 youth ministry members organized and gave out food and snacks for kids on fall break.
The idea for the project came from parish teens themselves after the parish episcopal visit, said Mary Jean Bega, the Kula Catholic Community’s religious education director and youth ministry coordinator. The teens wrote up a five-year plan including the idea to help keep children’s stomachs full when school is not in session and they are not receiving subsidized school meals.
Money and food donations came from fellow parishioners, who heard about the children’s food pantry after youth group announcements at Masses. Youth ministry members also got the word out on social media and by putting up posters around town.