Oooo Herald readers,
Is it October already? Spooky! This is the month dedicated to the Holy Rosary, and stuffing your face with Halloween candy. Try this treat of a quiz!
1) World
The Vatican recently signed an agreement on the appointment of Catholic bishops in what country?
- a) Russia
- b) U.S.
- c) Cuba
- d) China
2) Mass
What is the name of the plate that a Mass celebrant’s host rests on?
- a) paten
- b) cruet
- c) ciborium
- d) thurible
3) Catholic Hawaii
- Which of these churches are not a part of the Kula Catholic Community on Maui?
- a) Our Lady Queen of Angels
- b) St. Theresa
- c) St. James the Less
- d) Holy Ghost
4) Bible
Which is the longest of the Gospels?
- a) Matthew
- b) Mark
- c) Luke
- d) John
5) An oldie but a goodie
Just checking if you still know this one. What do the letters INRI at the top of the crucifix mean?
- a) Incarnare Resurrectio, Flesh Resurrect Yourself
- b) Translates in Hebrew to YHWH, Yahweh, Lord
- c) Iesus Nazarenus, Rex Iudaeorum, Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews
- d) They mark the year Jesus died.
6) Religious life
What is a third order?
- a) The third set of vows a religious takes before becoming fully professed.
- b) A group of lay men and women in a religious community who do not take vows
- c) Obedience (the third of the religious vows of poverty, chastity and obedience)
- d) A secret Catholic society with roots in the early church
7) Liturgical year
What is not a standard liturgical color in the Roman Catholic Church?
- a) green
- b) red
- c) blue
- d) pink
Answers: 1) d, 2) a, 3) b, 4) a, 5) c, 6) b, 7) c.