Serra Club of Honolulu members and newly installed officers pose for a photo in June. The installations took place at the Hickam Officers’ Club. (Photo courtesy of Jack Kampfer)
By Patrick Downes
Hawaii Catholic Herald
St. Anthony, Kailua, parishioner Chuck Furr was elected to his fourth two-year term on the board of trustees of Serra International, an organization dedicated to the promotion of priestly and religious vocations, at the Serra International convention in Nashville, June 27-July 1.
Furr is an active member of Hawaii’s Serra Club and also of the Knights of Columbus.
Founded in the United States and named after St. Junipero Serra, famous for his California missions, Serra International is the only lay apostolate under the Pontifical Work for Priestly Vocations, a subdivision of the Vatican’s Congregation for the Clergy.
Furr gave the rationale behind the organization’s global effort.
“We are strongest when we work together and can accomplish more as one cohesive unit than several parish-based vocations groups,” he said. Therefore, “our collective action as a force for vocations is recognized by the Holy See.”

Reelected to Serra International’s board of directors, Chuck Furr, right, is pictured with the organization’s president Mario Bricardi, and Judy Cozzens, the new president of Serra’s United States Area Council. (Photo courtesy of Chuck Furr)
Fellow Serra international trustee Greg Schwietz, who has known Furr for 10 years, said the work of Serra has focused upon “promoting the priesthood and consecrated religious life as important and noble vocations for young people to aspire to.”
“A more exciting life cannot be promised to any young person discerning God’s call,” he said.
He said that Pope Francis accurately described Serrans in his address to the International Serra Convention June 23, 2017, in Rome, as “true friends to priests and seminarians and consecrated religious; friends who dedicate their prayer and energies toward supporting and affirming those who ‘consume themselves for souls.’”
Schwietz, who is also the immediate past president of Serra’s USA Council, said, “It has been a great honor to continue to serve with Chuck.”
Serra Club of Honolulu works closely with the local diocesan efforts promoting vocations, including the Office for Vocations, headed by Father Rheo Ofalsa.
“As the current Diocesan Vocations Director, I’m happy to express my appreciation for all of the work that our local Serra Club has done to support vocations,” Father Ofalsa told the Hawaii Catholic Herald.
Hawaii’s Serrans have served under the last four Hawaii bishops.
“In addition to regularly praying for an increase of vocations to the priesthood and religious life; since 2005, the Serra Club of Honolulu has distributed nearly $84,000 to promote priestly and religious vocations over a wide spectrum of activities, including appreciation dinners for priests, deacons, religious and seminarians,” Father Ofalsa said.
“As the priest with direct oversight of our seminarians, I’m very grateful that nearly a quarter of their total contributions have been directed toward seminarian assistance,” he said. “They’ve truly made a difference in our diocese and continue to do so.”
The diocese has seen an increase in priestly vocations under Bishop Larry Silva who, since his installation in 2005, has ordained 13 priests, nine of them diocesan and four belonging to religious orders.
Bishop Silva ordained the following priests for the Diocese of Honolulu: Father Paul Li, Father Peter Miti, Father Cletus Mooya, Father Jon Cabico, Father Anthony Rapozo, Father Nicholas Brown, Father EJ Resinto, Father Alfred Guerrero and Father William Tulua.
He also ordained Father Johnathan Hurrell and Father Ajit Baliar Singh for the Congregation of the Sacred Hearts; Father Edwin Conselva for the Missionaries of Our Lady of La Salette; and Father Marvin Bearis for the Capuchin Franciscans.
Furr believes that the progress being made “will develop hope and perhaps some level of excitement that things are moving forward in our diocese and that the Holy Spirit is touching those whom he wishes to answer the call to vocation.”
Serra International has a website and online activities that help Serrans from all around the world meet, collaborate and share ideas.
The organization also participates in events the church sponsors to celebrate vocations such as the World Day of Prayer for Vocations, National Vocations Awareness Week, World Day for Consecrated Life and Priesthood Sunday.
In Hawaii, the diocese hosts a Holy Hour for Vocations with Bishop Silva and Father Ofalsa at 6:15 p.m. on the First Wednesday of the month at the Co-Cathedral of St. Theresa.
“Vocations are alive and well in Hawaii but need continued support by prayer and other appropriate actions and activities,” Furr said.
For more information about the Serra Club, contact Chuck Furr at 358-1808 or chuckfurr@cs.com. Or call Serra Club of Honolulu president Mark Pillori at 721-1810.