Bishop Larry Silva baptizes a child April 8 at St. Michael Church in Waialua. (Photo courtesy of Ernelyn Tabangcura)
By Michael Rockers
Special to the Herald
“Stewards of the Gospel,” the Diocese of Honolulu’s pastoral plan, states that “our Catholic schools are an effective infrastructure for formation in the faith.”
A recent Hawaii Catholic School survey revealed that Catholic schools play a critical role in evangelization and in preparing their children to receive the sacraments of initiation — baptism, confirmation and Eucharist. As part of the diocese’s efforts this year to return these sacraments to their “original order,” more than 1,000 Hawaii Catholic Schools students will be confirmed this spring.
Also, more than 40 parents and sponsors will join or be fully initiated into the Catholic Church due, in large part, to a connection with these students.
One excellent example of this work of evangelization is St. Michael School in Waialua. On April 8, Bishop Larry Silva paid a special visit to administer the sacraments to students and family members.
Eight students in grades two through six received the sacraments of baptism, confirmation and first Communion. Four students in preschool through grade one were baptized. Five younger siblings of students were also baptized. One eighth grader was confirmed and received first Eucharist. And four students in grades two and three received confirmation and first Communion.
Four parents, inspired by their children, have begun parish sacramental preparation in the hope to receive the sacraments next Easter.
St. Michael School religion teacher Dallas Carter said it was a “tremendous blessing” to been to be a part of the school ohana this year.
“Principal Kainoa Fukumoto and the entire staff dedicated themselves to making the establishment of Catholic identity as the top priority at the school,” he said. “That dedication has been rewarded with a great outpouring of God’s grace on the school and its students.”
Carter said the students participate in weekly Mass, frequent eucharistic adoration, regular recitation of the rosary and the daily Angelus, and regular celebrations of saints feast days.
“I truly believe that good catechesis, along with a vibrant Catholic culture, is what has prepared the children to be open to the floodgates of God’s free grace,” he said. “We deeply appreciate Bishop Silva coming to celebrate Mass and confer the sacraments for this momentous event for our school.”
Rockers is superintendent of Hawaii Catholic Schools.