Bishop Larry Silva and Monsignor Gary Secor, cathedral rector and diocesan vicar general, stand beside the tomb of Bishop John J. Scanlan, the second bishop of the Diocese of Honolulu.
Story and photos by Darlene J.M. Dela Cruz
Hawaii Catholic Herald
If these coral walls could talk, they would share stories of Hawaii’s saints, faith-filled families and generations of God’s great work.
The Hawaii Catholic Herald got a literal “behind the scenes” look Feb. 15 at the renovations taking place in the sanctuary of the Cathedral Basilica of Our Lady of Peace. Parishioners aren’t privy to these sights of the church’s stripped-down pillars and historic marble altar in plastic wrap, as a wall separates the construction area from usable worship space.
Bishop Larry Silva and Monsignor Gary Secor, diocesan vicar general and cathedral rector, also explored the sanctuary remodeling. They examined the plasterfree walls exposing the coral structure of the cathedral, walked on flooring that has been pulled up to reveal tiles dating back decades, and glimpsed where new crypts and a reliquary chapel will be built.
Clara Barnes, Cathedral Renewal Campaign director, said crews are applying new plaster specifically designed to adhere to coral. Electrical upgrades are being made, an extended altar platform is in the works as well as improvements for disability access.
The aim is to get the cathedral sanctuary completed by August for the 175th anniversary of the church.
Barnes — who is an assistant vice president with CCS, a strategic fundraising firm that aids nonprofits worldwide — said the total project cost for the cathedral renewal is estimated at $20 million. The campaign to refurbish the church was initially launched in 2008, then relaunched in 2015. She said more than $7 million has been raised to date. This phase of renovations will cost $2.4 million. Gifts made this year will support this phase of construction; pledges can also be made to fund future phases of work.
“We are pleased with our recent fundraising success, which illustrates the support from the community and the importance of preserving the historic Cathedral Basilica of Our Lady of Peace,” Barnes said. “The generous support of our donors will ensure the cathedral is fully renovated and preserved to continue serving the community for generations to come.”
Learn more about the Cathedral Basilica of Our Lady of Peace renovations by visiting the website www.honolulucathedralrenewal.org