The U.S. Province of the Congregation of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary’s new leadership team gather for a group photo Nov. 16 at St. Anthony Retreat Center in Kalihi. They are, from left, first councillor Father Stephen Banjare, second councillor Father Rich Danyluk, provincial Father Herman Gomes, third councillor Martin Gomes and vicar provincial Father Richard McNally. (Photo courtesy of Margaret Uiagalelei)
The brothers and fathers of the Congregation of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary elected the new provincial leaders of the U.S. Province Nov. 16 at St. Anthony Retreat Center in Kalihi.
The new provincial superior is Father Herman Gomes, pastor of St. Ann Parish, Kaneohe. He replaces Father Johnathan Hurrell who has completed two terms.
Father Rich McNally was elected vicar provincial, or second in charge. He is currently the formation and post-novitiate director of the congregation at its formation house in Suva, Fiji, and the former pastor of Our Lady of Sorrows Parish in Wahiawa.
Elected first councillor is Father Stephen Banjare of the Region of India and former director of the Damien Social Development Institute in India, which ministers to Hansen’s disease patients, women, the poor and youth, and former pastor of St. Joseph Parish in Fairhaven, Massachusetts.
Father Rich Danyluk, regional superior of the congregation’s USA-West Region and pastor of Holy Name of Mary Church, La Verne, California, was named second councillor.
Elected third councillor was Father Martin Gomes of Damien Residence in Fairhaven, and retired pastor of St. Mary Parish, Fairhaven.
All the newly elected will serve three year terms.