By Ryan Agcaoili Special to the Herald
Be careful of what you ask for, they said. Did I listen? No.
A few years ago, I, much like many of you, asked God what exactly he wanted from me. I sat in the pews, attended the young adult nights, and chaperoned youth ministry events at St. Anthony Parish, Kalihi, but felt like I could be, and should be, doing more. Years later, I was appointed the West Honolulu Vicariate representative on the Diocesan Pastoral Council.
I had no idea what exactly the Diocesan Pastoral Council was or what it did. I assumed it was like a parish pastoral council, but dealt with the entire diocese. I simply thought, “Cool, I get to do something on the diocesan level.” Then I realized there is a lot of work that needs to be done.
The Diocesan Pastoral Council is a small group of people. Ten lay persons represent the vicariates of the Diocese of Honolulu. The rest are representatives for youth and young adults, priests, deacons and communities of religious men and women. We meet four times a year.
The purpose of the council is to assist the bishop with the diocesan pastoral plan. The members provide recommendations for the development of the diocesan pastoral plan, through communications with their respective vicariates and religious communities.
My first Diocesan Pastoral Council meeting was overwhelming. The representatives shared the unique challenges the parishes in their communities faced. Most of our discussion for this session was on youth and young adults. For our next meeting in January, Bishop Larry Silva wants to spend time on practical ideas for evangelization.
Right now, I am still trying to get an understanding of what is needed, but I am excited about what lies ahead. I am looking forward to meeting the priests and pastoral councils of the West Honolulu Vicariate to see how we can help assist Bishop Silva with his diocesan pastoral plan.
Be careful of what you ask (pray) for, but trust in God.
Ryan Agcaoili is a recently appointed member of the Diocesan Pastoral Council representing the West Honolulu Vicariate.