Pictured from left, the international staff of Maria Lanakila Parish, Lahaina, Indian Father Sebastian Kumar Soosai, Myanmar Sister Monica Ja Len, Filipino Sister Roviesa Orias Jadlocon, Vietnamese Sister Mary Nguyen Dan Hoang Trang, Father Jose Macoy and Indian Father Joseph Pathiyil. Except for Father Macoy, all belong to the India-based Missionaries of Faith order. (Photo courtesy of Sister Malia Dominica Wong, OP)
Sister Malia Dominica Wong, OP Hawaii Catholic Herald
The elegant eclectic setting was reminiscent of the transformational meal in the film “Of Gods and Men” where, to the music of “Swan Lake,” each of the monks in mission became living wine poured out as in Jesus’ eucharistic sacrifice. Here, around the rectory dining table in Lahaina, Maui, breaking not bread, but pizza, Wing Street wings, pommes frites and fried rice offered with red wine and San Pellegrino, a similar sense of communion stirred among the international missionaries gathered in grace, joy and faith.
From the Diocese of Kurnool in India came Missionaries of Faith Father Joseph Pathiyil and Father Sebastian Kumar Soosai. Father Pathiyil was assigned as a parochial vicar of Maria Lanakila Parish in Lahaina six years ago before being named pastor in 2012. Father Soosai was appointed parochial vicar in 2016.
With the desire to grow the parish further, Father Pathiyil sought religious sisters who would help him carry out his order’s charism of proclaiming the love of God to all.
Last year, the Missionaries of Faith Sisters gracefully responded. Filipino Sister Roviesa Orias Jadlocon came from working in Rome. Vietnamese Sister Mary Nguyen Dan Hoang Trang arrived from studying in the Philippines. And Myanmar Sister Monica Ja Len travelled for more than a day from Myanmar (having completed her studies in the Philippines) to reach Hawaii. The sisters now divide their time between the parish’s Sacred Hearts School and the parish religious education program, among other activities.
“It really is a multicultural and multi-lingual diversity we share here,” said parish secretary Mary Rosenthal. “Our parish community includes Hawaiians, Tongans, Micronesians, Portuguese, Filipinos, Vietnamese, Caucasians, Spanish and others.
“Sometimes, one can forget where one is as you can hear the Indian priests speaking in their native language in one part of the parish office, or the sisters speaking in Filipino or Vietnamese with other staff and parishioners in another,” she said. “When Italian is heard, you know it is Father Joseph and Sister Rovy talking as they both were assigned in Rome.”
“When Bishop Larry came for his pastoral visit, he asked us what were the blessings of our parish,” said one parishioner. She responded that “some parishes have only one priest, we have two. Most parishes have no sisters, we have three. Please don’t take Father Joseph, he has done so much for our parish.”
The fruits of Father Pathiyil’s calloused hands speak for themselves. Working alongside maintenance director Howard Lolesio with Father Soosai and parish volunteers, they refurbished the church pews, trimmed the mango and other trees around the property, renovated the garage into offices and prepared the convent for the sisters.
“‘Do you want to paint?’ Father asked me as he pointed to the kitchen counter,” said Sister Rovy. “Yes, I do,” she joyfully responded.
Preparing the convent for last year’s Aug. 19 blessing involved the whole westside Maui Catholic community. Even Father Jose Macoy, administrator of Sacred Hearts Parish on Lanai, took paintbrush in hand. Visiting from Rome, Mother Agnese, mother superior of the sisters, made it her task to scrub the paint drippings from the floor.
As Father Soosai served the chocolate cake iced with “Happy Feast Day, Father Joseph,” the classical composition “Timeless” playing in the background seemed to bear witness to Rosenthal’s description of the new dynamics taking place at Maria Lanakila.
“Homey,” she said.
And that is truly the essence of the Missionaries of Faith’s motto, “Gratia et gaudium in fide”— “Grace and Joy in Faith.”