Father Anastacio “Jun” Postrano, left, and Father Gregorio Honorio Jr. are introduced to the congregation at the Co-Cathedral of St. Theresa on March 17 before being incardinated into the Diocese of Honolulu that evening. (HCH photo by Darlene Dela Cruz)
By Patrick Downes
Hawaii Catholic Herald
At the March 17 Chrism Mass at the Co-Cathedral of St. Theresa, Bishop Larry Silva incardinated into the Diocese of Honolulu two Filipino priests — one from a religious order, the other from a Philippine diocese — who have served in Hawaii for years.
The action officially makes Father Anastacio “Jun” Postrano, pastor of St. Roch Church in Kahuku, and Father Gregorio Honorio Jr., pastor of the Co-Cathedral of St. Theresa, priests of the Honolulu diocese.
Each were formally accepted as diocesan priests with the reading and signing by Bishop Silva of a 150-word decree before the blessings of the oils at the annual Lenten liturgy at which priests renew their ordination promises and the sacred oils are blessed for every parish.
Father Honorio, 49, was born and raised in Ramon, Isabela, Philippines. He was ordained a priest of the Missionaries of Our Lady of La Salette, on Feb. 10, 1995. Before coming to Hawaii in 2008, he served in the Diocese of Armidale-New South Wales, Australia and the Diocese of San Bernardino, California.
He served as pastor of St. Joseph Parish in Waipahu from 2008 to 2012. In 2013 he was appointed as administrator of the co-cathedral. His departure from the Missionaries of Our Lady of La Salette was approved on March 9.
Father Postrano, 56, was born in Davao, Philippines. He was ordained a priest for the Diocese of Tagum, Philippines, on June 15, 1984. He served for nine years as a parish priest and three years as the dean of seminarians before coming to Hawaii in 1996 to work in the diocesan Office of Filipino Ministry.
He then received a string of Big Island parish administrator assignments: Our Lady of Lourdes, Honokaa, in 1997, St. Michael, Kona, in 2004 and St. Benedict, Honaunau, in 2007.
Father Postrano went back to his home diocese of Tagum in 2009, serving there as a parish priest until his return to Hawaii last year. He was named pastor of St. Roch Parish in Kahuku, on July 1, 2015. He was formally released from the Diocese of Tagum on Nov. 24, 2015.