The Sacred Hearts Congregation chapter delegates: Seated, from left, Sister Marie Dominic Reantaso, Sister Damien Therese Dang, Sister Mary Josephine Araki, Sister Dolores Marie Pavao. Standing, from left, Sister Aurora LaGuarda, Sister Anne Clare De Costa, Sister Ratna Kumalasari, Sister Irene Barboza, Sister Katherine Francis Miller, Sister Claire Bouchard, Father Johnathan Hurrell, Sister Regina Mary Jenkins, Sister Emperatriz Arrobo, Sister Helene Wood, Sister Jessie Kai and Sister Ivy Yim.
The Sisters of the Pacific-U.S. Province of the Congregation of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary discussed “bold and forward looking proposals” and elected three provincial councilors at their provincial chapter, March 7-9, at the St. Anthony Retreat Center in Kalihi Valley.
The theme of the chapter, or general meeting, was “We are ready and willing, we come to do your will.” Attending were three of the congregation’s international leaders: superior general Sister Emperatiz Arrobo, vicar general Sister Aurora LaGuarda and the major superior of Asia Sister Ratna Kumalasari.
The proposals, following the community’s call to “create a new face of the Congregation,” focused on four priority areas: congregational responsibilities and relationships, mission and ministry, community life, and resources for sustainability.
Guiding the process was Father Johnathan Hurrell, provincial of the U.S. province of the Sacred Hearts Fathers and Brothers.
Elected as councilors, to assist provincial superior Sister Regina Mary Jenkins, were Sister Helene Wood, Sister Anne Clare DeCosta and Sister Claire Bouchard.
At the conclusion of the chapter, superior general Sister Emperatriz encouraged the sisters to continue to allow the Spirit to work in them and to live their proposals with passion, keeping their eyes on the Lord.