Father Alapaki Kim celebrates 2013 Marianist BILAC closing liturgy. (Photo courtesy of Marianist BILAC)
Some call Marianist BILAC a mini-Los Angeles Religious Education Congress. Others consider it a weekend retreat, while others see it as a “shot in the arm.” In a way, this nearly 40-year-old conference is all of these things. This year’s event, Nov. 6-8 at The St. Louis-Chaminade campus in Honolulu, carries on that reputation.
In addition to three concerts by some of the most noted composers of sacred music in the English-speaking world, the conference will offer workshops on everything from liturgical music, to instrument techniques, to storytelling, to Scripture study, to justice issues in Hawaii. The conference follows a rhythm of prayer and worship as a way of lifting all that we experience to God.
Each year the conference has a theme underscored by a newly commissioned hymn. This year, noted local liturgical composer Joe Camacho composed “He ‘Ohana Pulama” for the Year of the Family. This Hawaiian and English hymn captures the spirit of this special year being celebrated by the whole Church.
In the spirit of this family theme, professor Regina Pfeiffer from Chaminade University will offer workshops on how to incorporate liturgical seasons into daily family living. Regina’s vast experience as a theologian, a catechist and as a wife and mother makes her eminently qualified for these very practical workshops.
This theme of family is further carried out by the Saturday morning Mackey Lecture. This year’s features speaker is Ann Garrido who is part of the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, a program highlighted by the Diocese of Honolulu for its creative approach in reaching out to younger children. At the same time, adults learn from the fresh insights children bring to the Scriptures. Garrido has been instrumental in leading graduate degree programs in this innovative approach.
Former Miss Aloha Hula, Kumu Maelia Loebenstein-Carter, will share through Hawaiian stories and hula the intersection of Catholic and Hawaiian spirituality. Father Alapaki Kim, pastor of St. Rita Parish in Nanakulli, and RaeDeen Keahiolalo-Karasuda of Chaminade University and Toni Bissen of the Pua Foundation will look at local challenges for living out Pope Francis’ call to reach out to the marginalized. Megan McKenna, who has a doctorate in Scripture and theology, will weave her wonderful stories bringing new light to familiar Scripture passages.
These workshops, as well as workshops on specific liturgical skills, will be interspersed with prayer, liturgies and concerts by well known composers and performers David Haas, Lori True, Rory Cooney, Theresa Donohoo, Gary Daigle and more. Inspired by their magic, participants will be lifted up to live their faith life with new vigor.
To encourage more participation by a younger generation, BILAC is offering a 75 percent discount for high school seniors. The youth will benefit from interactions with one another as well as with those who are older.
Presenters and Marianist family volunteers are getting ready with final preparations. Together they will create a welcoming community for returning and new participants from near and far.
This year’s conference on the Kalaepohaku Campus of Chaminade University and Saint Louis School begins with a 7 p.m. concert on Thursday, Nov. 6. The concert is open to the public with an option for a calabash bowl donation. The conference continues the mornings and afternoons of Friday and Saturday.
At 9 p.m. on Nov. 5, the feast of St. James and the evening before BILAC, in Chaminade’s Mystical Rose Oratory, composer David Haas will lead a new version of the rosary he created in memory of his recently deceased mother.
Called the St. James Rosary, it has a social ministry focus. According to Haas, his rosary keeps the Hail Mary while including the Magnificat and “voices from the prophets and heroes of our recent history of Christianity,” such as Archbishop Oscar Romero, Peter Maurin, Dorothy Day, Henri Nouwen and Martin Luther King.
More information is available at www.marianistbilac.wordpress.com. Contact Brother Dennis Schmitz at baldschmitz@aol.com or at 232-6691 to learn about discounts and special rates.