Christians believe that Jesus Christ can be trusted. He taught that every human being is personally invited to an intimate relationship with the divine being.
We can’t explain the mystery of it, but we know it’s true. How do we know? Faith gives us the power to see the facts surrounding the mystery without fully comprehending it. In other words, faith is the acceptance of sacred mysteries.
For example, consider the doctrine of the Trinity. God is a family of three persons, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, all intimately united in one.
Poetically speaking, God is a furnace of love. Wherever one person of the Trinity is present, all three are present and loving. A three-leaf clover can help explain the facts surrounding the mystery but can’t begin to reveal the mystery itself.
To be in God is to be in love. To be apart from God is to be apart from the source of all that is true love. Solitude is natural. We often need natural solitude, time alone, as some of us call it. But eternal solitude sounds like hell to me. We don’t want that. We want to live in God’s love.
This is a call to surrender your life over to the Trinity.
God is calling you away from a cold loneliness and inviting you to enter his warm embrace. Solitude is the alternative. In life, you’ll sit down, now and then, to ask, “Where do I want to be, and where am I now?”
Go toward God and keep in mind that he responds to your feelings.
God wants you to share his joy. He asks you to help build up his kingdom — the very opposite of the words of Satan, “I will not serve” (Jer 2:20). In other words, God is beckoning every one of us to come out of the cold and away from the solitude that comes with self-absorption.
Love begets love. God wants to share the sunshine with us all and bring us eternal peace. Jesus occasionally spoke harshly to the hardhearted who sneered at his sincere invitation. He wanted to open their eyes to the fact that they are facing eternal solitude. Life is consequential. What people reject, by their actions, is divine love.
God is behind the universe that seems so terribly remote until you begin to see the rhyme and reason of it all. We are the immortal ones. Are you ready for immortality?