This past Monday was the most incredible experience of my life. I witnessed my wife become superhuman and join the 5 percent of women who give birth without any drugs. I stood by and tried my best to support her as she used all her strength to bring our son out of the womb and into our arms.
Makana John Paul Aiona was born at 2:03 p.m. on June 23, 2014, … 10 hours and 55 minutes before his father’s birthday.
Best. Birthday. Yet!
I cried as he literally flew into the doctor’s arms and then into his mother’s. In that moment, I was overwhelmed. As I watched him open his eyes slightly and make noises at her I just thought, “If this is only a small glimpse of the love our Eternal Father has for us, then I can’t wait for the day we meet him face to face!”
Best. Day. Ever!
Think about the most touching moment in your life, then see where God was revealed to you. Discuss it and share your witness.
Makana Aiona is the diocesan coordinator for Young Adult Ministry.