“We can make a difference!” These words may have been among those proclaimed by the early Christians at Pentecost when they went out to share the Good News. These words were repeated often by folks recently gathered at Catholic Charities on Oahu for a Partners in Care retreat on advocacy around homelessness and affordable housing.
More than 35 organizations came to the retreat, many key community partners in our parish social ministry. The group was grateful for its successes at the state Legislature this year.
Everyone, including representatives from the state, agreed that increased grassroots political participation “made a difference.” For example, the petitions, calls and visits to elected officials by concerned citizens, including our own parishioners, resulted in the State Legislature approving the following:
$100 million for the Rental Housing Trust Fund for new affordable rental units ($38.1 million estimated for 2015).
$1.5 million for 2015 to continue the Housing First initiative that focuses on the chronic, most vulnerable homeless who are often the most visible yet most difficult to serve.
Yes, working together, we can “make a real difference” in the political process.
This month Bishop Larry Silva wrote a letter to Hawaii Catholics about our Christian duty to vote. He said the Catechism of the Catholic Church tells us “our co-responsibility for the common good” drives the moral obligation to exercise this duty.
That is why the bishop has asked all Mass-goers this weekend who are not registered to vote to fill out a voter registration application before the Mass’ final blessing. Voting is another way that we, like the disciples sent forth at Pentecost, “can make a difference!”
Your friends at the Office for Social Ministry