We make thousands of decisions every day. Sometimes we have time to think about them, other times we don’t. But whether or not any extended thought goes into these decisions, once they are made the best thing we can do is review.
In the men’s group I attend, we are using the “That Man Is You” program. Over the past two weeks of Lent, we have been reviewing our daily use of time, finances and prayer. This week, we are focusing on prayer.
But herein lies the difficulty. Some of us spend so much time reviewing that we spend no time doing. Now if there is anything three decades of life experience is beginning to teach me, it would be this: With every struggle we face, the answer nearly always comes with balance.
If you are going to do something, then review it. Review it in light of doing it better the next time.
“There is an appointed time for everything, and a time for every affair under the heavens.” (Ecclesiastes 3:1)
Makana Aiona is the diocesan coordinator for Young Adult Ministry.