At its last quarterly meeting, Jan. 31-Feb. 1, the Diocesan Pastoral Council, one of Bishop Larry Silva’s advisory bodies, elected the central Oahu vicariate representative, Mary Talon, as its new chairwoman. She will take over for Alda Mae Takabayashi in August.
At the meeting, the council learned about the work of Family Promise of Hawaii in the east Honolulu vicariate where the non-profit organization has been active over the past few years. Family Promise gives homeless families a place to sleep, eat and clean up by collaborating with churches and temples that provide shelter, food and other needs on a rotating schedule.
The council also heard from three speakers.
Lisa Gomes, director of the Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministry, reported on World Youth Day 2013, the island leadership retreat now underway, projects her office is working on and Diocesan Youth Day on Oct. 25.
Mark Clark, diocesan director of stewardship and development, explained that stewardship is a process, not a program. The role of the Diocesan Pastoral Council is to keep stewardship at the forefront in the vicariates and to spread an awareness of stewardship efforts on the diocesan level.
Deacon Walter Yoshimitsu, director of the Hawaii Catholic Conference, spoke about being politically proactive instead of reactive. He alerted the council to the issues of physician-assisted suicide and Pono Choices, the problematic public school sex education curriculum. He also recommended that parishes organize voter registration drives.
The next meeting is April 11-12.
Advisory group seeks 2 new members
Are you trying to find a way to get more involved and help the diocese and your neighboring parishes? Consider applying for a position on the Diocesan Pastoral Council. The council is a 16-member group of advisers – mostly lay people – who share their wisdom and ideas with Bishop Larry Silva. The council is looking for a few motivated men and women.
The council meets one-and-a-half days, four times a year, at St. Stephen Diocesan Center. A typical session begins with Mass on Friday evening and ends Saturday afternoon. Airfare and room and board are provided for neighbor island members. Terms are for three years.
Two vicariate positions will open this summer. Representatives are needed from east Honolulu and west Honolulu.
If you are interested, ask your pastor about applying or contact Jim Walsh at 203-6733 or If you want to talk to current members about their experience, a listing is on the diocesan website: