A Midwest Fridays in Lent parish tradition is returning again next month to Kailua. The Knights of Columbus Council 6307 Kailua is sponsoring family fish fries at St. Anthony Church and St. John Vianney Church.
Beer-battered catfish will be bubbling in oil at St. Anthony, 5:15-7:15 p.m., on March 7, and at St. John on March 28.
Vicar general Father Gary Secor, a former parishioner at both parishes, will be the guest of honor at St. Anthony, which has hosted a yearly fish fry two times before.
Proceeds from the fries will go toward Catholic school scholarships and Courage House, an organization that helps young women escape sex trafficking.
Besides catfish, the all-you-can-eat menu will include fries, slaw, bread or roll, a hush puppy and a fruit drink. The menu could change depending on the availability of the food.
Meal tickets are $13 per adult and a yet-to-be-announced lower price for senior citizens and children. Big families get a break. Organizers are capping the price for a family — mom, dad and kids — at $44.
The events will include a raffle, one of the prizes being a baseball card autographed by a famous Hawaii player, and commemorative T-shirts for sale.
Tickets will be available after Masses the week before each event and at the door. Drive-through pickup meals will also be available.
Tickets are also available online at http://kofc6307fishfry2014.eventbrite.com.
For more information, call Bob Hoevel at 223-9529.