Parishioners and community volunteers gathered at St. George Church in Waimanalo on Thanksgiving Day, Nov. 28, to feed the area’s homeless and hungry. The Thanksgiving “brunch,” coordinated by the parish’s outreach ministry team, included a full meal with turkey and sides, as well as music and fellowship. (HCH photos | Darlene Dela Cruz)
Archives for December 2013
Kathleen T. Choi: What’s the big deal?
I’ve become a papal junkie. Every day I hit the Internet for Pope Francis’ latest interview, homily, photograph or video. I’m not alone. Few popes have so quickly and effectively captured the interest and affection of both church members and non-Catholics. This both pleases and saddens me. It saddens me because Pope Francis isn’t saying […]
13 deacon candidates to receive ministry of reader
The 13 members of the diocese’s seventh permanent deacon class will close their fourth year of formation by receiving the ministry of reader, or lector, Dec. 15 in the main chapel at St. Stephen Diocesan Center. Bishop Larry Silva will confer the ministry, one of the major steps to ordination, which is now only a […]
Msgr. Owen F. Campion: Second Sunday of Advent
Make our hearts a fitting dwelling place Isaiah 11:1-10 Romans 15:4-9 Matthew 3:1-12 Indicating the importance of Advent and the message of these readings, the church this weekend celebrates the Second Sunday of Advent, rather than the great Feast of the Immaculate Conception. (This feast will occur this year on Dec. 9.) This weekend’s reading […]