Oahu Catholics closed out the Year of Faith “Island-style” Nov. 23, with food, music, Mass and a multicultural celebration of ohana.

St. Louis School male hula “kahiko” group performs at the Nov. 23 Year of Faith closing celebration.
Dozens of priests, religious and faithful made their way to Star of the Sea Church in Waialae-Kahala for the day-long event. The parish’s large grassy field was turned into a lively hub of fellowship, with white tents shading information booths for schools, religious orders and diocesan offices, and games for the keiki.
Bishop Larry Silva and diocesan musicians Robert Mondoy and Kainoa Fukumoto began the celebration with morning prayer. Highlighting the diocese’s ethnic diversity, the prayer service included hymns in Hawaiian melodic arrangements and psalm responses in different languages. Congregants were invited to sing parts in Korean, Tongan, Samoan, Japanese, Spanish, Ilocano and Vietnamese.
Comedian Frank De Lima headed the day’s entertainment lineup. Other performers included students from St. Louis School’s male hula “kahiko” groups, local guitarist/songwriter Stephen Inglis, singers from St. Francis School and dancers from the Filipino and Micronesian Catholic communities.
Parishioners from St. Rita Church in Nanakuli and Sacred Heart Church in Waianae shared special hula and chants dedicated to St. Marianne Cope.
As the entertainment rolled into the afternoon, event attendees relaxed and dined under a large canopy. Food was aplenty, with choices representing different parts of the globe — French pastries, healthy Mediterranean fare, Chinese snacks and, of course, the local plate lunch.
Rounding out the festivities was an energizing performance by a five-member mariachi band, courtesy of the Hispanic Catholic community. Members of the audience danced and sang along to renditions of popular standards such as “Cielito Lindo” and “La Bamba.”
Inside Star of the Sea Church, people took advantage of the exposition of the Blessed Sacrament to spend time in prayer.
Priests were also available there to hear confessions during the day.
About 150 people attended the closing Mass at 4:45 p.m. Bishop Silva was the main celebrant of the liturgy commemorating the Solemnity of Christ the King.
The bishop said in his homily that while “we thank God for the opportunity we have been given to deepen our faith in Jesus Christ through the many activities and projects in which we have participated,” it is now time to reflect on “whether this Year of Faith has moved us to witness to Jesus beyond our comfortable circles.”
“There is reason to celebrate, but also reason to realize that this special year was not an end in itself,” he said. “There is still so much to accomplish in making a reality Christ’s kingdom of truth and love.”