We’re entering Lent once again, Heraldites. I have included some Lent-related questions in this quiz to get you thinking about this important liturgical season. Enjoy.
1) Saints
Which of the following is true about St. Polycarp, whose feast day is celebrated Feb. 23?
a) He is the patron for fishermen
b) He helped to lead a group of missionaries safely through a fierce storm in Assisi
c) He is the cousin of St. Benedict
d) He was a bishop for 50 years
2) Scripture
The Gospel reading for Sunday, Feb. 17, comes from Luke 4:1-13. In this Scripture passage, Jesus is led into the desert for 40 days and endures temptation by the devil. Which of the following “temptations” did Jesus face?
a) Commanding stone to become bread
b) Power and glory over all the kingdoms of the world
c) Testing God by throwing himself down from the parapet of the temple
d) All of the above
3) Devotions
What is the 10th Station of the Cross?
a) Jesus is stripped of his garments
b) Jesus is condemned to death
c) Veronica wipes the face of Jesus
d) Simon of Cyrene helps Jesus to carry the cross
4) Lent
True or false: According to the 2013 Lenten Regulations of the Diocese of Honolulu, soups and gravies made from meat are NOT to be eaten on days of abstinence during Lent. (Hint: see the Feb. 1 HCH issue.)
a) True
b) False
5) Popes
Which pope had the shortest reign at only 13 days?
a) Alexander III
b) Urban VII
c) John Paul I
d) Damasus II
6) Hawaii
Which of the following churches is NOT located on Kauai?
a) Holy Cross Church
b) St. Raphael Church
c) Christ the King Church
d) St. Catherine Church
7) Other religions
Joseph Smith Jr. was the founder of which religion?
a) Mormonism
b) Baha’i
c) Jainism
d) Sikhism
Answers: 1) d, 2) d, 3) a, 4) a, 5) b, 6) c, 7) a