Lord, this year let me not look behind
For things I’ve missed along the way.
Let me look behind for the reason only
that I need to remember who I am.
Let me not miss any signs and symbols
you set before me, cautioning me to look,
really look and listen. I never want to
pass you by, even in the smallest details.
Give me the eye to recognize the wonders
of your giving and of your loving me
in many near and distant ways. Should I
forget, I trust that you will prod me along.
Build in me faith so great that your words
uttered through my lips shall move not
only mountains but souls you wish to win
back. If I stumble in this area, lift me up.
I am yours, forever. I am at your making
and re-making, for your purpose and not
for my own pleasure, for your glory, for
your greatness, and for who you are.